Looking for work near Cedar Rapids? Planning to relocate to the Cedar Rapids metro? Try looking for jobs in Marion IA. Located adjacent to Cedar Rapids, Marion boasts a small-town community feel with a population of 34,768 in the 2010 census. This smaller town is booming with a vibrant downtown main street and suburban neighborhoods lining up to the north and east of town. In addition to a high growth rate, Marion is also seeing job growth as more businesses make their home in Marion. Search jobs in Marion, IA.
Since 2013, Marion has seen 89 business starts, which equates to about 1 per month as of the writing of this. That’s solid business formation for a small town. So let’s take a look at what makes this community so attractive to businesses.
Vibrant Uptown
With an old town main street feeling, downtown Marion boasts shops, restaurants, a park, library, and plenty to do within a short walking distance. This makes the downtown district of Marion very attractive to local businesses. Residents and visitors can park and walk wherever they want to go. We are seeing many mom and pop shops enter into the area, as well as a plethora of good restaurants including Short’s, Goldfinch, Ramsey’s Wine Bistro, and Bistro 3 Nineteen.
Industries for Jobs in Marion IA
Types of jobs in Marion IA vary from professional services, to a high concentration of manufacturers. With its close proximity to Cedar Rapids, many residents prefer the quietness and will commute to larger employers on the Northeast side of Cedar Rapids including Collins Aerospace. Many leading employers situated in Marion are in the manufacturing industry. Freund-Vector does global trade of its high-tech processing equipment, maufactured right in Marion. Wire-harness and custom electrical component manufacturer, Timberline Manufacturing employs many career professionals. And Legacy Manufacturing, located east of highway 13 builds innovative and trademarked air hoses and greasing equipment designed for a variety of purposes.
While manufacturing jobs may dominate industry in Marion, this suburb is setting itself apart with a high quality of life. Twenty-one parks and twenty-nine green spaces make Marion a great place to get outside and enjoy life. The CEMAR Trail is in the process of connecting Marion to the Cedar Valley Nature Trail.
Homes in Marion
No matter what your style is, you can find what you are looking for in Marion. Want a historical old two-story home near uptown on a quiet street? Check. How about a mid-century ranch with an attached garage? No problem. New builds, condos, duplexes, as well as large lots exist in Marion.
A quick drive down 7th Ave. in Marion will explain everything you need to know about how the community is doing. Local shops, restaurants, up and coming hotels, chain stores, and a significant investment in roads in turning this once sleepy suburb into a booming community all of it’s own.
Marion used to be a quiet place where people who worked in Cedar Rapids lived and commuted each day. While many residents still commute, people are flocking to Marion for the amenities, great schools, trails, parks, abundant shops and restaurants that the town has to offer.
If you are considering relocating to the area, give Marion it’s fair chance. You will be surprised with what you see. And if you are searching for a job in Marion, make sure to check out our latest listings!