We are in the middle of Coronavirus COVID-19 creating a crisis for many people in many industries. Travel, tourism, and restaurants are arguably the hardest hit by the pandemic. When times are tough, we all grow as a society and as humans. If you are part of a large community of people who lost their job during this time, or maybe you are just someone questioning if you will have a job next week – this is a perfect time to reassess your career goals and look for opportunities!
As businesses are struggling right now, many are on hiring freezes or putting all hiring decisions on hold until our country returns to normalcy. It’s normal to think the worst is coming with some of the news that we have seen lately, and there is quite a bit of bad news coming out. Instead of drowning yourself in negativity, here are some tips for rewiring your brain and getting some enthusiasm.
- Find Opportunities – There are plenty of opportunities all around us. If we open up our minds. As it relates to job searching, what industries or businesses are thriving during a down market and many people working from home? Delivery services, anything that allows us to stay connected when we are apart. What about online stores? Online retail is booming right now with many people working from and staying home. What if online retail becomes the new normal for a lot of people once this is over? There could be huge opportunities in this space.
- Get Outside – Yes, we are being told to self-isolate, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be leaving your living quarters for at least a little bit each day. Go for a long walk or jog. Listen to an inspiring podcast and get excited about your future.
- Connect with Other Humans – Whether on the phone or in small groups make sure to not completely isolate yourself from everyone else. Talk with others about how they are feeling, and about how you are feeling regarding what is going on in the world.
- Take some time to do what you love – We all have hobbies. Make time to work on your favorite hobby. If you can’t do your favorite hobby, try something new that you’ve always wanted to do.

- Take care of your body – Take deep breaths, eat healthy, well-balanced meals, drink plenty of water, exercise, and get plenty of sleep. This will help you feel your best during this stressful time in our lives.
This is a great time to grow and learn while we are spending most of our time by ourselves. Yes, it can be somewhat lonely, but it doesn’t have to be. By getting up each day and looking for the positives, and having a goal that you are working toward we will get through this together!
Join us as our Career Fair is now Virtual! Please register to attend to live-chat with recruiters on April 9th from 3-6 p.m.